Something Beautiful.

I found these in the pasture by our house.

Along the fence row.

I can't believe it. He said he did, but I've never seen them before.

He told me he planted them along the fence row....

They are gorgeous. 


The most beautiful reminder EVER.

Thanks, Dad.


  1. What a great gift from your Dad. And what a beautiful reminder it will be every spring.

  2. I loved every single picture. What a fun thing to look forward to every year!

  3. Charla20.5.10

    That is....awesome. I never knew your dad, but he sounds like a great dad. I have a Nealy rosebush. We planted it for her in the spring before she died. That year it bloomed ALL summer. It was the ONLY thing blooming when we got home from the hospital and it was FULL of roses. It is just a few of the reminders I get that she is still with us. I need to take better care of doesn't look so good right now.

  4. I love this. That is a wonderful surprise and reminder. We have a rosebush from mom's funeral and it decided to open one bloom this week. I love it.

