I have been honored to be able to take Briggs' pictures since he was 3 months old.
It's hard to believe that he has grown so fast!
One?!? Seriously?!
He is even walking now.
Technically, I don't think that we can call him Baby Briggs anymore.
But Baby Briggs I'm sure it will always be...
until he is seven and embarrassed easily by mom or Auntie Carisa.
He was very content to be outside.
Our sessions have always been challenged by weather and age.
This time it was beautiful and he was a happy camper to explore.
Just look how big he is!
And so adorable...
he was talking non-stop.
I love this picture.
It's so true to this age.
And this picture is my absolute favorite.
It's the chubby cheeks.
Oh my...
I really love little ones at this age.
Thanks Mariah for letting me watch this little guy over the past year.
I have enjoyed it so much!
I have a handful of pictures yet to edit and will get the disk to you soon!