Megan and Colt.

Don't you LOVE that red hair and brown eyes on this cutie?!
I do!

And his big sister...
she was crackin' me up!
Her personality is all her own.
And she's one beautiful girl!

See what I mean!
We were trying everything to get Colt happy...
but his nigh-night is all he wanted....
and mommy ☺

The next three photos are my favorite...
I have been partial to black and whites lately.

I had so much fun Adri!
And the kiddos are simply entertaining and precious!
You are one blessed mommy.


Remember that adorable couple that was having a baby in late June?

Well, that little pumpkin arrived early ☺
Meet Briley!

My favorite picture from the session!

Briley was NOT thrilled about our ingenious ideas...

And just to give you a behind the scenes look at what takes place
as a new mom (and dad, Justin!) and photographer to get those
great birthday suit shots ☺

Congrats Stephanie and Justin!
She is so precious...
and I loved getting to meet your family!


Don't you LOVE that name!
Oh, I do.
LOVE it.

Hudson is 2 weeks old.
Don't you want to just cuddle him?

He hasn't even lost his umbilical cord yet!

One of my favorites...
I love when an object in the picture will remind you
someday just how tiny he was.
That binky is HUGE!

Proud mommy and daddy.

One more thing you want to remember about your newborn...
how little their feet were and how precious peeling skin is.

Can you tell I have baby fever?
I need to stop.

CONGRATS Nate and Carlene!
He is a gift.


Those of you still questioning family, senior, or individual sessions yet this year....

I am completely booked!
Nuts? Crazy?
Yes, it is.
Most definitely!

Since I only take a limited amount of sessions it fills up quickly....very quickly.

I apologize. 

If you have talked to me about pictures and I have told you that you are ON my calendar, then no worries.
If you are not sure, please email me and I will let you know what month I have you down for pictures.
All of you moms with the Newborn-1 Year package...
you are accounted for!

Thank you to EVERYONE that enjoys my passion for photography and has such kind words to say...I look forward to working with you in the future!

Miss Emma.

Ok...Miss Emma, here is your sneak peek at just a few I have done.
You are such a doll to work with and I had SO much fun!
I hope you love your pictures!

Paula, don't hate me for posting this...
I know for sure that Emma is going to cherish this mother/daughter picture.
You girls are beautiful!

And Emma, don't hate me for posting this picture of "the look"...
I know for sure that mom and dad both will cherish it when you have
kids of your own someday ☺

Emma's baby...Tinkerbell.

My favorite!!
Gorgeous girl.
That's all I have to say.


I met Stephanie nearly 11 years ago.
It's been that long since the first day of nursing school?!
Justin and Stephanie are expecting their first baby.
A girl!
I feel so blessed that I was able to photograph this happy couple.
And a little jealous of this belly...I loved being pregnant.

Stephanie, after you and Justin left on Saturday...
I thought I have a ton questions for her!
First, where did you meet this handsome guy you call your husband (you did good!)?
Where are you working these days?
How is school going?
I will save you the other hundred questions...
until next time ☺

Thanks for asking me to take these pictures!
I am so happy I could be a small part of this experience with you guys. 
